I don't suffer from insanity... I enjoy every minute of it!
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people have connected to this page. Pretty sad, huh?
Quick! Go read about me before someone else does!
Do you have questions about computers or the Internet?
Visit my Resources section, with
files to download, answers to questions and more...
If you're into E-Mail filtering, go see ZFilter's home
Visit my gaming resources area for people who play
Role-Playing games (RPGs) or Magic: The Gathering (M:TG).
Visit my tribute
to all the annoying sites on the 'Net. Steve's totally obnoxious page!
Are you bored? Go visit my link collection,
now with a random-link generator to send you somewhere unpredictable.
A while ago, I visited the Art Institute of Chicago and the Sears Tower. Check
out the Photographs I took.
I've been experimenting with mixed drinks, check
out my results and searchable drinks database.