TASK: I would like to acknowledge all e-mail received with a form letter.
I would also like all mail coming from harry@somewhere.outhere.com to
be saved to a folder called "harry". The form letter is saved as a file
called "ack".
Or alternately (for the picky)
if (always) canned ack
if ( sender ? "harry@somewhere.outhere.com" ) save Mail/harry
Or for people using the alternate form ( *sigh* )
if always then canned ack
if sender ? "harry@somewhere.outhere.com" then save Mail/harry
TASK: I would like all incoming mail backed-up to a file called "received"
I want all mail that mentions the phrase "I need help" in the text of
the message to be mailed the file "help-response". If the subject of
the letter contains the word "meeting", send the canned response file
"vacation" and delete the letter.
NOTE: Mail containing the word "meeting" in the subject line AND the
phrase "I need help" in the content of the message, it would generate
the response file "help-response", AND get the canned message "vacation"
(that's two messages) and be deleted.
TASK: I am currently being mail-bombed by someone who keeps flooding my incoming mailbox with the same message, over and over. I would like to have messages saved only if they contain unique content. I would also like to delete messages if they have no actual content.
NOTE: this only works for the inbox, since the "unique" variable is a
shortcut. See the "unique" command for information about saving the
message to a folder if it is unique.
Easy, huh?
TASK: I have moved to another e-mail address. I was previously loser@aol.com and now I'm I_have_a_life_now@somewhere.else . I would like all mail at loser@aol.com to be forwarded to my new address, and anyone sending mail to loser@... should get a response that I've moved.
forward I_have_a_life_now@somewhere.else; canned Ive_moved
One line! Easy, huh? Just make sure the file "Ive_moved" exists.