Index of ZFilter documentation.
1. What is ZFilter?
1.1. Why should I use it?
1.2. Who is this document intended for?
2. How do I implement it?
3. How do I get it to do what I want it to do?
3.1. Rules
3.2. Expressions
3.3. Variables
3.4. Operators
3.5. Actions
3.5.1. Meta-Actions
4. How do I write Form letters?
5. How do I handle lists?
6. How do I change the default settings?
7. How can I change the default files? How can I see summaries? logs? etc
8. What does ZFilter do if there's a problem with mail?
9. Miscellaneous
10. Syntax examples, solutions to sample problems
11. How does ZFilter compare to other filter programs?
12. Modification history
Action List
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Latest ZFilter info: ZFilter version 2.8 released Mar 5, 2001.
This document last updated: Mon Mar 5 11:21:22 PST 2001
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