Readable Passphrase Generator by Murray Grant, javascript port by Steven Zeck
This page generates random english sentences. The sentences don't make much sense, but they are readable and easy to memorize. This makes them suitable for occasions when you need a good password for something.
If you have an older browser: To ensure that your sentences are really random, we may ask you to move your mouse around the screen wildly for a while. The first time will be the worst, but if you want more sentences after that, we should have some randomness left over. You can opt for short, long or specific types of sentences if you want. Newer browsers have a good source of randomness built-in.
For an even more secure password, capitalize some letters or words, add punctuation, change some letters to numbers or add numbers randomly into the sentence. If you add the 'standard' mutator, it will add 2 random numbers + capitalize a random word. The 'random' mutator will add a lot of mutations and probably make your phrase very hard to remember.
You are also welcome to download the source for this generator and incorporate it into your own Javascript apps. The original C# implementation can also be found at the author's site:
Javascript source, reference and demo implemantation is available if you click the 'download' button, or you can inspect it on GitHub
If you are interested in other types of passwords, [click here] to see a javascript demo of random dictionary words, pronounceable words, etc.
The original ReadablePassphrase module was written in C# by Murray Grant. It comes with a plugin that integrates into the Keepass offline password storage.
You can check out the module & download the C# source at It is licensed under the Apache license, with the dictionaries included under CC BY 4.0
This implementation is a Javascript port of the C# module. It runs entirely in the client's web browser and the dictionary is included in compact form.
The javascript port was created by Steven Zeck. The source code for the port is offered under the Apache license as a derivate work of the original.