These are mostly RPG books. Actually, they're all RPG books. You can order
them from Amazon.Com or
for the Rifts stuff, you can get them directly from palladium.
These aren't all the Palladium products, or even close to all the TSR products... I'm just recommending or not recommending ones that I have personally read. I'm doing this mostly as a service to people who can't find RPG books in their area.
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Palladium Products
The book that started the awesome series. "Rifts" covers all the original
OCCs including Shifter, Mind Melter, Juicer, Ley Line Walker, Borg and a dozen
or so other ones. Some of the most fun to play if you like Role-Playing are
Crazies and the Psi-Stalker. If you've never played it, Rifts is a post-holocaust
adventure in an Earth several hundred years in the future. You can use Magic,
Psionics (Magic using mental power alone), and swords, as well as futuristic
technology, giant robots and rail guns. It rocks! One of my favorite and most
dynamic games.
Rifts World Book 1 - Vampires
Vampires talks about the Vampire infestation in Mexico and latin America.
I liked this book, actually. It talks about how vampires are created, controlled
and the best methods of killing them. It details several vampire societies and
kingdoms and talks about how they operate and their defenses.
Rifts World Book 2 - Atlantis
THIS book rocks! It has to be one of their best books. Atlantis is a
new continent on post-rifts Earth that has a serious alien "problem". Everything
from Dragons to an evil dimensional trading race that trades in slaves. However,
it also talks about Rune magic (familiar to people who play the original Palladium
game) and introduces Tattoo Magic, Bio-Wizardry, some cool new suits of armor and
new weapons. It also introduces some new races including the True Atlanteans.
Rifts World Book 3 - England
I thought England was a bit odd. But it's still OK. It talks about
Millenium Trees, Druids and the new Camelot. It tells you about the only known
way to actually destroy a Rune Weapon and it tells quite a bit about the faery
inhabitants of the British Isles. There are some new magic types introduced, and
two cool new races (Star Child and Earth Child) AND the awesome and cool Temporal
Magic... Most of the book isn't of general use to me though, since I don't really
do much with the Millenium trees or the druids. Still, it is a good book.
Rifts World Book 4 - Africa
Now this one was _Really_ odd. It has the nasty so-called Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse (some seriously unfriendly dudes) Necromantic Magic, the African witch
and shaman and some other unfriendly stuff hanging out in Africa. I thought this
one was a bit _too_ odd, but I got it anyway. Maybe your tastes differ from mine
so I'm putting it up here anyway.
Rifts World Book 5 - Triax
Triax! This was one of my favorite books in the series. It has some Pumped
new suits of power-armor and pilot-able vehicles, new weapons galore, the not-nice
gargoyles and infiltration bots. Low on Magic and spells, I don't think that much
of either was presented, but it is one big book of cool new technology and equipment.
Even the hospital barge is armed to the teeth. Supersonic transport vehicles and
some mechs with interchangable parts. If you use the mechs in Rifts, grab this one
and do some serious combat! I loved it.
Rifts World Book 6 - South America
I liked South America II a lot better. Still, this one had some cool stuff.
Don't remember much else about it, but I seem to recall an island of elves in
the Amazon, some new magic, the splugorth presence in the south americas and some
South American technology. Most of the good things I remember about South America
are in S.A.2... I'll read it again sometime and post more stuff.
Rifts World Book 7 - Undersea
This one is cool too. It's a big book, and it has lots of new stuff for
the Undersea. There is (of course) a really nasty underse enemy, a few ocean-bound
colonies and some colonies under the ocean. The USS Ticonderoga (A massive and
extremely powerful submarsible aircraft carrier with even more powerful weapons)
and new undersea magic and spells. Dolphins, Whales, combinations of fish and
man and tons more cool stuff. This one's a keeper too. :)
Rifts World Book 8 - South America II
This is the South America book to get if you only get one. Nazca and their
magic, the Archons (alien invaders), new humans and mutants, Cool Nazca magic
(how about "create ley-line"?) and some other cool stuff too. Trust me. You'll
like this one.
Rifts World Book 9 - Japan
Japan is fairly cool. There's good new cybernetic equipment, some new
robots and a town that completely survived the Rifts and all it's horrors.
A yawner at times, but just as good as England IMHO. It has its moments.
Rifts World Book 10 - The Juicer Uprising
And if you like Juicers (I don't play them much) this book is really cool.
It goes into Juicer society, new variants of the Juicers, juicer games and
some wierd stuff, like an Undead juicer. It goes into the Juicer Uprising and
why they're all mad at the Coalition. Just a little odd.
Rifts Source Book 1
This one covers A.R.C.H.I.E. III and also includes a bunch of new weapons,
mechs, armor and robots. A fairly slim book, but it's packed with cool stuff.
I liked it, actually. Besides, ARCHIE was cool... it's a big Robot brain thats
come into it's own consciousness.
Rifts Source Book 2 - The Mechanoids
Some people remember the palladium game "Mechanoids" from quite a while ago.
Mechanoids are cloned cyborg creations that are bent on destroying all bipedal
life. They're lunatics. There are also good Mechanoids (AbMechs) and some
Mechanoid weapons and armor. Good enemies. A bit more about ARCHIE III and
Hagan too.
Rifts Source Book 3 - Mindwerks
Mindwerks survived the Rifts too. This book appends onto Triax. Mindwerks
made the Crazies and brain implants that can make people both incredibly powerful
and psychotic (eventually). It's got lots of new stuff about Crazies, but not
so much new magic and equipment. Great if you like Crazies or want to add some
new stuff into the game with new ones.
Rifts Conversion Book 1
Hmmp. I was never real big on the Conversion Books series. I suppose that
was because I didn't play the other Palladium games all that much. But it has
plenty of information on transporting characters from other Palladium games like
Heroes Unlimited, Palladium, Ninjas and Superspies, TMNT, and that Cthulu-ish
setting I've forgotten the name for at the moment. It's also a fairly good
sourcebook with a ton of monsters and new races. I use it a bit, but not all
that often.
Rifts Conversion Book 2 - Pantheons of the MegaVerse
They actually did a better job on this one than TSR did on Legends and Lore
and Deities and Demigods. Palladium actually created a whole story line for
each pantheon (like the Greek Gods and the Persion Gods, etc..) and how they
interact and deal with each other. They didn't stick entirely to mythology, but
created their own new information when they wanted to and continued the stories of
some previously deceased gods and demigods. It also has specs on how to play a
demi-god or godling character
Dimension Book 1 - Wormwood
I think this would be good as an RPG by itself, but hardly anything here
except the people can be brought into other parts of Rifts. Wormwood is a living
planet that gives it's own magic and equipment to it's inhabitants. It is in the
middle of a war against some fairly nasty enemies who want to take it over.
However, since they can't leave the world through any means (they'll die instantly)
they're not exactly a threat to anybody else in Rifts. If you need some place to
take characters for a while to help out, this would be a good place, but even
the equipment can't be removed from the planet and Wormwood magic is useless
everywhere else. It has a cool cartoon though, and can be fun to play.
Dimension Book 2 - Phase World
"R I F T S - I N - S P A C E . . ." Cool. Very cool. I liked this one.
There's spacecraft, tons of new space character classes, new races, new magic,
really good new technology and lots of fun things to do. Since Rifts player's
can't leave earth (see the book "Mutants in Orbit" when I find it), this is one
of the best opportunites to fly around in space. There's also the ultra-powerful
cosmo-knights (each about as powerful as a stellar battleship) and other stuff to
keep you occupied for a while. A keeper.
Rifts Mercenaries
A big book with tons of new mechs, weapons, armor, mercenary companies, bots
refurbished pre-rifts stuff and cool jets and bombers. Just as good as Triax is
IMHO. I use lots of stuff from here.
TSR Products
Dungeon Master's Guide (black cover)
No, there is no "Third Edition". This is the new DMG... all they did was take
the second edition, change the pictures, and put different things in different
colors and draw lines around the tables. There is no major text-change between
this and the other 2nd Edition stuff, just a change in look. As always, this is
the essential guide for Dungeon Masters who want to run their own campaigns. It
covers lots of stuff they don't tell you in the Player's handbook about how to
manage combat and effects of spells. Also a big list of magic items.
Player's Handook, also the new edition. Same goes for the Player's handbook
and changes as goes for the Dungeon Master's guide. On the whole, unless you
have problems reading the two books, I don't reccomend you buy these if you
already have the old 2nd edition books. If, however, you don't have them or
you need to replace tattered books, these are good ones to get. The Player's
Handbook is, of course, for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) players and tells
them how to create characters and play in a fantasy role-playing environment.
Arms & Equipment Guide
I don't really reccomend this one unless you're seriously into AD&D and want to
know a lot about what things look like and how they worked. This goes into historical
detail about the different types of weapons and armor presented in AD&D. It talks
about how the armor is put together and made, shows drawings of the armor from the
front and back and shows drawings of the weapons and everything else. Good for
helping to conceptualize things, but not really all that necessary for play.
Book of Artifacts
Rendered mostly obsolete by the Encyclopedia Magica series. Still, there's some
information here about how to make Magic Items and weapons. It's a big list of
ultra-powerful magic items and the advantages and drawbacks of using them. Still,
the Encyclopedia Magica covers all of them. I suppose it's a good grouping of all
the Artifacts in one place, and it does have pictures of them... I wouldn't get it
if you have the EM series.
Record Sheets
Character Record Sheets for recording information about your character's stats.
These are fairly good, although you can make some pretty good ones with your
imagination and publishing software. If you plan to make your own, at least look
these over for ideas of what to put on them.
Complete book of Villains
For the Dungeon Master. Tips on how to run a good villain and make them fun to
play against for characters.
The "Complete" Series of books.
The Complete Fighters Handbook has new fighting tips, fighter "kits" (a set of
suggestions for further defining your fighter with advantages and disadvantages).
Actually, all the "Complete" books for players have kits, which are IMHO a pretty
good idea. I like them. Fighters is one of the better books in this series and
tells you cool stuff, like what happens if you mix different types of armor.
Complete Thieves' Handbook. How to make a Theives' Guild, Thief kits and
new thief items and ideas. Also a good one.
This one stinks. I thought it was about the worst Complete book I've read yet.
Lots of Kits and ideas, but every kit is much weaker than the standard cleric. Good
if you want to role-play I suppose, but I never had that many clerics in my campaigns.
Complete Wizards. As expected, Wizard Kits (that let wizards carry weapons)
and new ideas. New spells, magical diseases (!) and some cool new stuff and items.
Pretty good! Suggestions on how to create the wizard's laboratory and tower too.
Complete book of Elves. Good book, actually. I was surprised. I didn't
buy the "races" books for a long time 'cause I didn't expect much of them. But
this one has a lot about elf society, habits, customs, new kits and new abilities.
It explains some of their immunities too.
Dwarves. How to make fortresses, dwarf clans and society, enemies and kits.
If you like dwarves, or play them frequently, you'll probably like this book.
A _VERY_ good one. Not that it's easy to even _get_ to play a Paladin, but this
one adds a lot of responsibility to the power. Lots of cool stuff, including kits,
and fairly stict rules to follow as a Paladin. It makes the class challenging I
think, but not so tough that no-one will want to play it.
Remember Bards? Bards are fairly cool. This goes into a lot about them and
expands the class a bit. I liked it too. Not _quite_ as good as Paladins, but
pretty cool nonetheless.
Gnomes & Halflings
The book for the "little people". It does go into quite a bit about their
societies and culture. Just as good as Elves, IMHO. For people who play them.
This gives you a ton of new races to play. You'll like them. :) Make a firbolg
Giant. They're pretty cool. This just lists the abilities and merits of playing
dozens of sentient humanoids (remember the Half-Orc from AD&D First Ed?) and tells
you what classes they can have. Equipment for them too.
Rangers. This one's as good as Paladins. Not that getting a ranger is easy
either. Still, they were pretty cool even before the book. Fighting with two
hands, some magic, followers etc... The kits give them even more cool stuff.
A yawner at times. I always thought Druids were a bit odd. Still, there's
lots of good stuff here for people who play Druids. I don't, and I really never
had that many Druid player characters in my campaigns. Oh well... to each his or
her own I guess.
And what the Heck is the Ninja doing in a standard campaign? This was a wierd
book. There's lots of awesome Ninja stuff... but how are you supposed to squeeze
this subtly into your campaign?
And other miscellanious TSR stuff...
Dungeon Master's Option: High Level Campaigns
This helps the DM manage and run High Level campaigns. It gives you stuff for
high-level characters to work toward, new abilites and cool tips on how super high
level characters can fight without destroying the surrounding terrain.
Player's Option: Skills & Powers
This puts a new spin on character creation. It makes it a bit more complicated,
but much more customizable. Make that wizard who wields broadswords. Make that elf
who can't see in the dark but has increased strength. Make lots of cool stuff with
the point system. It's fun, but Character creation went from an hour-and-a-half
thing to a several hour thing.
Player's Option: Spells & Magic
Not any _new_ magic as far as I can tell, but lots more ways to use it and
play with it. Pretty cool. Have fun with this one.
Encyclopedia Magica 1/4
The Encyclopedia Magica covers all the magic items TSR released from the beginning
through 1995 or so. It also covers just about everything that appeared in other
magazines like Polyhedron, etc.. and of course magazines like Dragon and Dungeon.
A _Very_ cool collection. Volume 4 has the index.
Monster Manual
If you don't have the Monstrous Compendium volumes, this is a good idea. It has
lots of monsters, all of the ones in MC1 and MC2 and a bit of stuff from other places
too. A good collection, and the pictures are in color.
Tome of Magic
Not yet obsolete, but will be when the full set of Spell Encyclopdias comes out.
This introduces Wild Magic, Quest & Co-operative magic for priests, lots of new
spells and a smattering of new magic items. Good stuff, but unless you really like
the collection, wait until the spell encyclopedias are out and get them instead.
Land of Fate
The token world book. This one is for Al-Qadim (I don't know how to pronounce it)
and describes a very good arabian-nights type world. It's pretty fun to play in too,
although I don't use it exclusively. Actually I try to make my own worlds using TSR's
stuff as source material, but this is good to play straight on it's own too.
